Story books About Growth and Change Life Social issues Life in NYC
Discover your next favorite Story book at Simpatico Books
If you’re a busy reader, try Simpatico Books for self-exploration and consciousness. Storybooks are a wonderful way to satisfy your inner reader and get started with bigger novels and series.
They can even be used in classrooms. Short story books can still give you the peaceful feeling of finishing a book while saving you time in your busy schedule.
These books inspire new perspectives since the main point is easy to grasp. Start your journey with Simpatico Books today.
The Complete Flip to the End Series

Flip to the End Parts 1 & 2
- Eloy
While creating “The Broken Skyline” and “Early Works” series based on the paintings, I reflected on my life and creative process. Combining notes and musings into a personal story.

Army Buddy
(Flip to the End part 3)
- Eloy
Army Buddy, the Ostentatious Still Life is also the story of a peaceful militant that has shows under scaffolds in New York City. The third chapter to Flip to the End derived at as a short poem.

- Eloy
Through rituals of plant medicine, Ayahuasca is implemented as social services and the people are one with Earth again. Earth is pleased and communicates with the last evolution of man regularly. A short story for a better America.

The Hernia (Flip to the End Part 4)
- Eloy
The Hernia is also the story of an artist and writer that has a job but chooses to be voluntarily homeless for art’s sake. Derived at from real life events and, artistically through free form and slipstream writing. It includes one new video.

The Spinner (Flip to the End Part 5)
- Eloy
I create these Ebooks but selling them can help me with an enormous electricity bill, perhaps someday.. Sorting things out while living in the South Bronx and working as an interpreter. Welcome to my dilemma.
What is reading for you?
It can be sipping your coffee while enjoying the weather at your home or a healing process that makes you forget about all the worries and issues around you.
I understand you, and that’s why I present you with these eBooks written by me.
I’m a New York City based artist who writes to spread his message to people and help them in healing.
Every storybook will teach you something new that will change your life. It will fill you with hope, optimism, positivity, and self-confidence. You will start seeing the world differently.
I believe words can help people and I convey messages using this power. Every storybook at Simpatico Books conveys a deep message which is life-changing.
Story books are not only words, but tales that have the ability to teach you incredible things. The words, I hope will help you use your imagination to create a better self.
At Simpatico Books, you will find eBooks, storybooks, photography, paintings, and even commissioned artwork.